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Mayahuum 23.11.2022

There is one masterpiece, the hexagonal cell, that touches perfection. No living creature, not even human, has achieved, in the centre of one's sphere, what th...e bee has achieved on her own: and if intelligence from another world were to descend and ask of the earth the most perfect creation, I would offer the humble comb of honey. ~ Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life Of The Bee, 1924 Delve into the fundamental geometries of nature (and of spacetime itself) by enrolling in in the free Unified Science Course at ResonanceScience.org Photo: One of the world's largest honeycombs, harvested by the Kattunayakan tribal people who live deep in the forests of the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve in South India. (photographer unknown: comment for credit)

Mayahuum 23.11.2022

Era imposible no publicarlo. Es la esencia de la vida en la tierra


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