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Centro Deportivo Gimnástico "Sólo Hazlo" 22.11.2022

Using pit foam cubes for beam turns? Why not!

Centro Deportivo Gimnástico "Sólo Hazlo" 20.11.2022

Level 3 Stations | I’m a firm believer of keeping kids busy, not making them bored doing unnecessary skills. Gainesville Gymnastics Level 3’s worked very hard. Did you noticed the stations are in the order of the routine? #GymnasticsStation #Gymnastics #Floor #TGIF

Centro Deportivo Gimnástico "Sólo Hazlo" 20.11.2022

Los esperamos¡¡¡ Curso de Defensa Personal


Localidad: Celaya

Teléfono: 461 179 4855

Ubicación: Camino a San José de Gto 340 int 2 38020 Celaya, México

Web: gimnasiasolohazlo-com.webnode.es

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