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Calf Roping México 23.11.2022

Barton Performance Horses Circle Star Land and Cattle Company 's Topaz and I were second in the second round and second in the average at Jackson. We're headed to San Antonio to compete Friday and Saturday.

Calf Roping México 23.11.2022

What's more impressive than Tyson Durfey's laundry list of championships? The simple humility and gratitude with which he works and lives his life.

Calf Roping México 22.11.2022

American Short Round

Calf Roping México 22.11.2022

Ganadores de la lazada de Diego Estrada, primer lugar Diego Estrada Casillas y segundo lugar Jose Armando Martin de Anda felicidades muchachos!!!

Calf Roping México 20.11.2022



Localidad: El Salto

Ubicación: 430 carretera el Verde 45694 El Salto, Jalisco, México

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