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Acuapets Mexico 23.11.2022


Acuapets Mexico 22.11.2022

Cincelichthys pearsei, uno de mis favoritos.

Acuapets Mexico 22.11.2022

Covid19 came to change the rules of the game, we have to adapt to this changes, so now we are growing tilapia at the farm, among the Guppies, tetras, gouramies and platies now we have something to eat and survive in case of a pandemic event.

Acuapets Mexico 21.11.2022

A veces el mal clima nos hace pasar un mal rato, pero el trabajo continúa....

Acuapets Mexico 20.11.2022

Some of the fancy guppy lines we are currently breeding at the farm. Algunas de las lineas de guppy que reproducimos en la granja actualmente.


Localidad: Villahermosa

Ubicación: Carretera Rio Seco s/n Ra Buenavista 2nda Secc 86180 Villahermosa, México

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